Curator’s Report For February
Jerry Impellezzeri
We continue to work on improving our displays. Currently, we are putting on display a large sign from Rick’s Helicopters, which we got from Jim Rickclifs several years ago. Jim was a local early pioneer in the use of helicopters right after WW2 both in the bay area and Alaska. As some will remember Jim donated thousands of dollars worth aircraft engine and hardware to the museum. Putting up the sign should be done in a week or so…. our new volunteer, Chris Gatt is working on this.
One of our next projects is to set up and display some uniforms, helmets, goggles or flying gear. We have the display cabinet, we just need to get the right mannequins. I say the right mannequins because Ed got two but some of our uniforms don’t fit…. people were smaller is the 1940’s I guess. Anyway, we will continue to work on this.
Paul Agialiotis and his students at Galvin College which have taken on the restoring to running condition one of our 50 hp Franklin engines as a class project is nearly complete. One cylinder needed a spark plug bushing replaced which we had repaired. We are in need of some good magnetos but for now, Paul is using a set of his. The students plan to run the engine to check their work soon.
We continue to work on the Alexander Primary Glider making slow but steady progress little by little.
Progress on our Avro Avian which Dave Masters and Doug Rosskilley have been working on has been put on hold until some details on the wing fabrication and paperwork can be worked out. We are also looking to find some missing wing fittings which are needed to proceed.